Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Prologue: Part 2 of 23

Fishing out her pack of cigarettes for another, only to find she was fresh out. Blinking in disbelief - she'd only bought the pack yesterday. Exhaling a sigh - the Dante guy was the only one smoking a cigarette. Time to suck up nervousness. Taking slow steps over to him, nibbling on pierced bottom lip, approaching, and crouching next to him. :: .. Can I bum one? :: Gesturing to the cigarette. ::

Surprised by the initiation, Dante reached into his back pocket, flipped open the box, and handed her a Marlboro Menthol cigarette. He was completely speechless; he wanted to ask her name but needed an appropriate opportunity. "Need a light?" He asked, pulling out a lighter as well and offerring it to her.

" Oh, yeah, thanks. " Accepting the Marlboro. Menthol, ugh. She didn't mind much, though. Gratefully accepting the cigarette, placing it between full lips, and taking the lighting. Cupping her hand around the flame, lighting up and inhaling, before handing the lighter back, offering a smile. Exhaling a puff of smoke, brushing her bangs from her eyes. " Thanks a lot,y ou're a life saver. Hey, don't I know you from somewhere? "

"Y-yeah, I think so. Actually," he blushed slightly, running a hand through his long hair. "I was sitting here trying to remember your name. It was driving me crazy." A little honesty wouldn't hurt, would it? He finished his own cigarette and lit another. Damn chainsmoker.

" Oh, well, I'm Astrid. Astrid Uchida .. I think I've seen you at some Majesty shows .. Majesty's my band, so .. " Trailing off with a little embarassed grin, shrugging. " You're Chris's friend, right? " Wow. He was cute. She looked away for a moment, focusing on the cigarette, but couldn't for very long.

"Majesty?" He mulled the name over in his mind, and once it clicked, his eyes lit up. "Yeah, yeah, I've seen you play." He nodded, trying hard not to stare too much at her. She was gorgeous. "I'm Dante Cerevino. And, yeah, sadly, I'm Chris's friend," he said jokingly. "Don't like menthol much, eh?"

" Nah, I smoke Mild Sevens. Japanese imports - I'm half Japanese, so. " She smiled as his eyes lit up, enjoying his enthusiasm. Taking another drag, she nodded a few times. " I'm not really friendly with Chris, too, but .. He invited me, and I was bored, so. Here I am. " She chuckled, biting her bottom lip.

"Except the problem with Chris's parties is, you're bored even when you get to the party." He took a couple drags off his cigarette, looking her over inconspicuously at the same time. He wondered what nationality made up the other half of this incredibly beautiful young woman, but didn't say so, of course. He could warm up once conversation was initiated, but not *that* much.

She laughed, covering her mouth with her free hand, just in case Chris was around. Fortunately for them, he wasn't. Taking the initiative and sitting down beside him, crossing her legs, resting her forearm on a jean clad thigh. Halfway done with her cigarette, nodding to herself. " Yeah, I'm tempted to leave. "

"Me too," Dante laughed softly. Poor Chris. He'd probably never have a party worth hanging around for. He flicked his cigarette's ashes into a nearby ashtray and took another drag off it, inhaling deeply before continuing the conversation. "So.. What have you been up to lately? I haven't seen your band play in a while."

" Oh, we're working with a new bassist, Kasumin. He's picking up really fast, and he'll probably be ready to play at our show next week. You should come. " Nodding, restrained, trying not to seem to eager. Though, knowing Allein, she's have to take his place as singer again, and play guitar. Oh, well. She'd get to show off. Tucking strands of purple back over her ear, looking back over to him.

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